Dr Van Dam’s phone log – a typical Monday morning: BEEEEP 1. Dr Van Dam. I take Benadryl to sleep every night. Will I get Alzheimers Disease? 2. Dr. Van Dam. Should I take Claritin or Allegra instead? But they’re…
‘Tis The Season For Tick Bites – What you need to know
It’s summertime in New England. Along with the pleasures of beautiful hikes, searching for golf balls in the woods, trips to the Vineyard, and long walks with the dog, comes the danger of tick bites. Worried? You should be. If…
Sunscreen – 7 things you should know
During this time of year, I am frequently asked by my patients to answer questions about sunscreen. As always, my patients keep me on my toes, which requires repetitive reviews of sunscreen studies, sunscreen controversies, and sunscreen news (real news…
Are You Exercising Enough?
As my patients know, I believe that healthy eating and regular exercise form the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Arguing that exercise is, “Good for you” may be just as necessary as arguing that the world is round, but here…
Mainstreaming Integrative Medicine
Many have noticed a sudden mainstreaming of certain wellness practices which in the past were deemed alternative. In particular, yoga studios (of course yoga includes a component of meditation), meditation programs, mindfulness-based stress reduction training, massage, and acupuncture practices, are…